Lunch and Conversation at Crestline Bagel Company in Birmingham, Alabama

                        Featuring Special Guest:  Scott Rackstraw

For the past 18 months I drive into downtown Birmingham twice a week to serve as a chaplain at Brother Bryan Mission.  At the corner of 3rdAvenue N. and 14thStreet I started noticing positive messages on the sign at Jim Edwards’ Chevrolet.  Right in the midst of a stretch of city streets where the homeless wander twixt rescue missions and interstate bridges were words of hope. I knew there had to be a story behind those words so I walked into the dealership and all the sales representatives pointed to Scott Rackstraw.  Scott and I met for lunch where I listened to an amazing journey of one man’s family who knows the power of redemption.  Grab a bagel and join us.  We saved you a seat.