Conversation at 23rd Street Baptist Church and Lunch at Sweet Tea Restaurant in Birmingham, Alabama

 Featuring Special Guest:  Dr. P. Banneker Hatcherson

Something about the word redemption catches my attention. So when today’s podcast guest talked about redemption at a Good Friday service a few months ago, I extended an invitation to share a meal.  And Dr. P. Banneker Hatcherson graciously said, “Yes.”   Now, he and I sort of turned the table on this week’s podcast because we talked first in the church sanctuary where he pastors and afterwards walked right around the corner for lunch at Sweet Tea Restaurant.  This is such a rich conversation.  If you didn’t know different, you would think Banneker and I are lifelong friends.  In reality, our friendship has just begun.  Yet, this is the potential for every dinner invitation we initiate and accept that bears the heartbeat of the One who says, “Come and dine.”  (John 21:12)  So, come and dine.  We saved you a seat.