Lunch and Conversation at Klingler’s Café, Bakery, & Catering in Vestavia Hills, Alabama

                    Featuring Special Guest:  Ethan Milner

Imagine the next 24 hours of your life were scripted and filmed for a movie to be premiered at the end of 2020.  What would the account of a single day reveal about you?  Would it a comedy, a drama, or an adventure?  Would it be a cautionary tale or one of incredible inspiration?  Everybody’s got a story!  What is yours telling?Today’s podcast guest Ethan Milner is the Visual Arts Director at Shades Mountain Baptist Church.  He leads an incredible group of creatives who specialize in Gospel-centered storytelling that flavors and shines.  Ethan and I met at a wonderful German bakery specializing in tasty Reubens, Black Forest Cheesecake, and some of the best oom-pah ambience we’ve ever had on this podcast.  The table is waiting; we saved you a seat.